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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ryan's Personal Best of 2010

I am somewhat odd in the sense that I feel the need to 'rank' things that I saw in the year. I'm never quite sure why, but hey why not? This might come alittle late (as most sites have their top lists done by now) but I figured now would be the time. So here you go, Ryan's top Personal Best of the Year 2010.


Best Discovery

These are basically people I discovered in 2010, but didn't release albums that year

King Crimson - Court of the Crimson King (1969)

The Strokes - What Ever Happened? (1990)

Nirvana - In Utero (1993)

The Kickdrums - Just a Game (2009)

Major Lazer - Guns Don't Kill People...Lazers Do (2009)

... And now, the top 10

10 - Sage Francis - LI(F)E

9 - Broken Bells - Broken Bells

8 - Atmosphere - To All My Friends

7 - The Black Angels - The Phosphene Dreame

6 - Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon II: Legend of Mr. Rager

5- Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

4 - Sleigh Bells - Treats

3 - Cee Lo Green - The Lady Killer (a delightfully profane R&B album from the vocal half of Gnarls Barkley, its probably impossible to hate)

2 - Arcade Fire - The Suburbs (some of the group members originated in Houston Texas, making their album about the collapse of the suburbs and how "streets seem to change" all the more relevant to me)

1- Look I tried alright? I really did. I know you wont be surprised. No one is suprised. Its topped every critics list. From Pitchfork, to Rolling Stone. Kanye West and his Dark Twisted Fantasy is quite simply amazingly good pop music. Not rap music mind you (the lyrics aren't THAT good) but the superb music and talent through out makes it the number one. I loved every song.

Top Movies

Because I having trouble ranking all of them, I will only rank the top three, with the rest shown here in list form.

Paranormal Activity 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

Kick Ass

The Social Network

Toy Story 3


3 - Black Swan (this isn't for everyone mind you (I get the feeling Alessandra will never want to see it again....) but it is still quite good, and is a very good mind fnck)

2 - Inception (just like Black Swan, but without the nightmare fuel. An incredibly original Film)

1 - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (I dunno why this film is not getting the praise it deserves. It barely made its money back in theaters. The Social Network tends to get all the glory regarding accurately depicting our generation, but I believe Scott Pilgrim to be the more accurate film. Mostly because we're not as big an asshole as Zuckerberg is. But in all honestly, the film is hilarious, well written and has superb characters. It deserves better than it got)

And there you go, I think I might continue this whole list thing into a monthy thing if I see/listen to enough movies and music. Until then.